Hi! Thanks for being part of the Among the Outcast launch team!

Below is the “map” that we’ll be following during launch month (September 2024.)

Throughout the month you’ll receive sporadic emails with tasks you can do to help reach each milestone.

As each milestone is reached, the rewards described on the map below will be made availalbe to everyone on the team.

There are some extra things you can do to earn bonus rewards and to help us reach our goal faster!


♦ 1-on-1 Q&A with Amy: Awarded to anyone who records and sends Amy a video review of Among the Outcast that Amy can share on her website and social media. (If you don’t want to show your face in the video, you can video the book and page through it as you’re talking.)

♦ An exclusive video in which Amy tells the “behind the scenes” story of Among the Outcast. Awarded to anyone who organizes a group of at least 5 people to read the book together.

♦ A Heroes of Wessex “fun facts” PDF document that lists things you didn’t know about the series. To earn this reward, contact your favourite podcast and ask them to host Amy for an interview. (Send them to this page.)